FLO Shred 12 Week Downloadable Program
Are you ready to SHRED?
SHRED Your thoughts on what your body is possible of accomplishing?
SHRED The tactics that don't work?
SHRED Your mind to make room for a new way of thinking?
SHRED Your old self to become better tomorrow than you are today?
FLO Shred isn't just about getting your body "shredded". It's about shredding the old and building something new. When you are in control of your body, your mind becomes stronger, you become better in every aspect of your life. FLO Shred is designed to test your body, but more importantly it will test your mind. Push yourself past what you thought was possible physically and mentally to become better tomorrow than what you are today!
In this program you will find 12 weeks of thoughtfully programmed workouts complete with warm ups and cool downs, video demonstration of all exercises, 12 weeks of pre-programmed calories and macros tailored to YOUR body, a nutrition calculator, and an easy to use marco calculator so you will know exactly what your goals are during the program.
- 12 weeks of workouts and nutrition designed to ignite fat loss (3 Phases)
- Video demos of all exercises
- Calorie and macro calculator to get YOUR specific nutrition in each phase
- Free Intro to Nutrition course
Are you ready to SHRED your old self and emerge stronger and leaner? Let's GO!