When you look around yourself, you will notice that snacks are involved in every nook and cranny of your life. Either it's a craving that hits while at home or a tiring day at the office. No matter where you are, what you are doing, snacks will never leave your side in times of hunger. But the problem with snacking is that we generally love to eat the foods that are most harmful to our health.
That being said, here are some easy, healthy, and delicious snacks to satisfy your hungry demons without destroying your health!
Oatmeal Cookies
Greek yogurt and mixed berries
Dark chocolate and nuts
Chia pudding
Avocado toast
Popcorn (not the crap in a microwave bag)
Berry mix
Trail Mix
·Fruit bowl
All of these options, but you still can’t decide what to eat today? Let me help you with selecting the perfect snack for you.
● If you want some crisp in your life, then fruit and veggie chips will match your palate
● Feeling extra? Dropdown your apron and grab your spatula, mix all the ingredients, and bake your cookies until they are crispy. Almond cookies and banana and oatmeal cookies add zing to your life with their simple, easy-to-cook, and scrumptious recipes
● Want a ready-to-eat snack? Pre-mix your dark chocolate, nuts, and fruits or grab a bowl of Greek yogurt and enjoy your meals whenever you want
● If you want to treat your taste buds, go for smoothies, berry mix, chia pudding, or banana ice cream. They require the least effort and give the best taste.
Food For Thought
Snacking is a habit that can sometimes take an undesirable turn, and instead of being a joyful experience, it can turn out to be a nightmare. Anything in excess can be bad, and so is excess snacking. When people start to binge eat, this results in increased glucose, blood pressure, or cholesterol levels.
Hence, it is important to be mindful of what you eat and how much you eat. It doesn't matter if you are on a diet or not - the portion size must not be ignored, even when snacking.
To make help you get started, I have included two great snacking recipes. One savory and one sweet! Try them out and let me know what you think!
Those cookies sounds delicious! and easy!